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Small Group Study – “When God’s People Pray” by Jim Cymbala


For link to teaching video, please contact Sue Creevey:


Introduction to study:

Our God loves us deeply and longs to be in a relationship in which we receive the spiritual and physical blessings he wants to give us. We, as individuals and as churches, suffer great loss when we fail to ask God for these blessings. These blessings can change our lives, invigorate our churches, transform our communities, and even alter the course of history! Best of all, they are available to every believer and every church if we will only pray for them in faith and obedience.

My desire through this video series is to help God's people discover prayer as our lifeline to Him - our source of strength and abundant blessing. I want to help God's people engage in serious prayer and become a living display of what God - and He alone - can accomplish here on earth. I don't want any of us to suffer the tragedy of a life summed up by these words from Scripture: "You do not have, because you do not ask God" (James 4:2).

By God's grace, I pray that this video series will instruct, inspire, and assist God's people in discovering a new life of asking and receiving from God.

Jim Cymbala


When God’s People Pray


                              Session 01: God's Heart for Us                   


Session 02: The Amazing Power of Prayer   


Session 03: Obedience in Prayer         


Session 04: The Word of God and Prayer      


Session 05: Why Prayer Matters           


Session 06: Creating a Prayer Ministry in Your Church



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